The main goals of the Lithuanian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform are:
- To integrate Lithuanian hydrogen and fuel cell economy into the European Union area of innovation and business;
- To promote the competitive ability of Lithuanian hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, economical and employment growth.
Lithuanian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform has two management organs - the Council and the General assembly of the partners. The Council is composed of 12 members. The members of the council are elected for three years period by Ggeneral Assembly of the partners.
Lithuanian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform has formed three thematic groups:
- Strategy and development;
- Research and innovations;
- Industrial development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
The main activities of the Lithuanian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform are:
- The participation in different research and technological development projects, which are financed from the national, the European Union and the third countries fund, and the creation of the European poles of competence to the development of the hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
- The disseminations of the needs and achievements of the modernization of Lithuanian hydrogen and fuel cell technologies at the national, the European Union and international levels.
- The implementation of the projects of bigger added value in sector of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies using technological and management innovations.
- Training the engineers and staff with high quality knowledge in hydrogen and fuel cells technologies.
Hydrogen Energy Association,
Lithuanian Energy Institute,
Kaunas University of Technology,
Vytautas Magnus University,
Vilnius University,
Limited Liability Company "Renerga" ("Achema Hidrostotys") ,
Limited Liability Company "Energenas",
Limited Liability Company "Sklypo Energija",
Personal Enterprise "Acetilenas",
Public Establishment "Perspektyvinių technologijų taikomųjų tyrimų institutas",
Limited Liability Company "Veroloda".
Official webpage