Recently, enterosorption, as a method of removing foreign substances entering the ecological environment or due to the formation of pathological processes in the body itself, is widely used in medical practice. Enterosorbents have already been shown to treat diarrhea syndrome (diarrhea), food poisoning, bacterial infections, allergic reactions and other pathological processes that occur in conjunction with induction. Enterosorbents has an ability to bind toxin molecules of different molecular weights.
The unique pharmacological properties of silica make it possible to encompass an extremely broad spectrum of diseases including pathologies of cardiovascular and immune systems.
As is well known, bacterial infections and other diseases that occur with medicinal products, the main constituent organisms are accumulated pathogenic proteins, bacterial toxins or oligomeric protein complexes that are high in molecular weight [3]. It is also known, that the adsorption of protein molecules is controlled by electrostatic interactions [1,2], therefore, in addition to pH, it also depends on the ionic strength of the solution.

The system, developed by Amiagus group is based on the effect of the gas ionization process on low-temperature plasma discharge on minerals, using a special ionization module and unique control system, both developed by Amiagus group, thus processing micro – nano scaled silicon dioxide particles. In order to control electrostatic interactions and the ionic strength, the silicon dioxide particles are given a specially modulated particle surface charge, selected according to precisely predetermined conditions, thus significantly increasing the adsorption of pathogenic proteins, bacterial toxins or oligomeric protein complexes that are high in molecular weight and efficiency of the enterosorption process. Also, homogenous nanocatalysts are being formed, that, in turn, determine formation of certain active catalytic elements in solutions.
The ionization module is designed and manufactured using two technologies that are protected by intellectual property rights, as well as the use of know-how, knowledge not disclosed in patents but common in global patenting practice:
1. Patent “Flexible metal-ceramic support production method with nanocrystalline surface coating”;
2. Patent "Method of production of catalytic cellular structure element with internal ionization".
1. Луцюк М. Б., Кулик Я. М. Високодисперсний пірогенний кремнезем як засіб еферентної та ентеросорбційної терапії // Сапоніт і аеросил у тваринництві та в медицині / М.Ф.Кулик [та ін.]; ред. М.Ф. Кулик, Т. В. Засуха, М.Б.Луцюк. – Вінниця: Рогальська І. О., 2012. – 362 с.
2. Гунько В. М., Туров В. В., Горбик П. П. Вода на межфазной границе. - Киев: Наук. думка, 2009. -694 с.
3. Езепчук Ю.В. Патогенность, как функция биомолекул. - М., 1985.